Список текстов песен drew seeley

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Текст песни:

She′s (that girl)
I know it she′s (that girl)
I know it
Sometimes feels like
Everybody wants
Something from me
But don′t understand
I can only be one person
That′s Joey
Got game got fame
Got everything in this world I need
(but the girl)
I don′t know her name
Cause I′ve only met her in my dreams
But I′m gonna find her cause she′s
Just that girl
The one that′s dancing through my mind
Just that girl
The girl that I′ve been tryna find
Just that girl
Her style is crazy she′s a dime
And it′s almost like I can see her
She′s just that girl
Something happens when you groove
Earth beneath you starts to move
It′s so bad I′m looking at you
(cause you are that girl)
Crazy how you work that frame
You and me we could change the game
What′s your secret what′s your name
(that girl)
Me you are a star
When you move you′re off the charts
You′ve already won my heart
(that girl)
Me you′re the star
You don′t have to play the part
You can be just who you are
Cause you′re just that girl
The one that′s dancin through my mind
Just that girl
The girl that I′ve been tryna find
Just that girl
Her style is crazy she′s a dime
And it′s almost like I can see her
She′s just that girl
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
That girl baby just that girl
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
That girl baby just that girl
Just that picture in my mind I see
And i can′t wait for the day we meet
Baby we′d be so fly baby just you and I
I wanna give you the world cause you′re
Just that girl
The one that′s dancin through my mind
Just that girl
The girl that I′ve been tryna find
Just that girl
Her style is crazy she′s a dime
And it′s almost like I can see her
She′s just that girl
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
That girl baby just that girl
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
That girl baby just that girl
The one that′s dancin through my mind
Just that girl
The girl that I′ve been tryna find
Just that girl
Her style is crazy she′s a dime
And it′s almost like I can see her
She′s just that girl
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
Yes she know she′s (just that girl)
That girl baby just that girl

@ Drew Seeley


Текст песни:

uh oh
just xplain it to my heart

We used to be so happy together
sunny skies never ever cloudy weather
knew that you always would be my girl
n together we′d take over the world
n i thought it always would be this way
thats why i don′t understand a word ur sayin

xplain it to my heart
(to my heart..)
coz i just don′t wanna hear why ur leavin
baby that just don′t wanna hear that thought
so if ur gotta goin to tell me

xplain it to my heart (3)

@ Drew Seeley


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